Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sevens Swan Humane Society

Good evening,

Ever wanted to adopt an animal? Do you live in the Utica area? If you answered yes to these questions here's your opportunity  The Steven Swan Humane Society in Oneida  I had just went today to donate 100 dollars along with my sister who had bung some blankets. The dogs and cats we so awesome  HERE'S SOME PICTURES Of Ones THAT NEED YOU  AND THERE LINK!



Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First Two Headed Bull Shark

 Good Morning,

Believe it or not a specimen of a two headed bull shark was found off the Gulf of Mexico in April of 2011. This study was led by Michigan State University and appearing in the Journal of Fish Biology. There has been other species of shark found with two heads. (Including: blue sharks and tope sharks.) Michael Wagner, MSU assistant professor of fisheries and wildlife stated proudly "This is certainly one of those interesting and rarely detected phenomena,". Along with his other words, "It's good that we have this documented as part of the world's natural history, but we'd certainly have to find many more before we could draw any conclusions about what caused this." It is so difficult it is to find these oddities is because many of these specimens die fairly quickly due to there rare cases. If you look at the picture below you can tell the shark is just a young pup, hopefully this amazing creature will be able to survive. Do you think these strange oddities are from us polluting the waters?


Back To The Animals

Good Morning,

 Sorry I haven't been on for a long while but I'm back lost my password so couldn't get in my website. I've got a lot of catching up to do so all you readers be prepared for more animal news and facts then ever before.

PS. wrote down my password so I won't forget.

PSS. Thanks for all the views and your support