Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sevens Swan Humane Society

Good evening,

Ever wanted to adopt an animal? Do you live in the Utica area? If you answered yes to these questions here's your opportunity  The Steven Swan Humane Society in Oneida  I had just went today to donate 100 dollars along with my sister who had bung some blankets. The dogs and cats we so awesome  HERE'S SOME PICTURES Of Ones THAT NEED YOU  AND THERE LINK!



Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First Two Headed Bull Shark

 Good Morning,

Believe it or not a specimen of a two headed bull shark was found off the Gulf of Mexico in April of 2011. This study was led by Michigan State University and appearing in the Journal of Fish Biology. There has been other species of shark found with two heads. (Including: blue sharks and tope sharks.) Michael Wagner, MSU assistant professor of fisheries and wildlife stated proudly "This is certainly one of those interesting and rarely detected phenomena,". Along with his other words, "It's good that we have this documented as part of the world's natural history, but we'd certainly have to find many more before we could draw any conclusions about what caused this." It is so difficult it is to find these oddities is because many of these specimens die fairly quickly due to there rare cases. If you look at the picture below you can tell the shark is just a young pup, hopefully this amazing creature will be able to survive. Do you think these strange oddities are from us polluting the waters?


Back To The Animals

Good Morning,

 Sorry I haven't been on for a long while but I'm back lost my password so couldn't get in my website. I've got a lot of catching up to do so all you readers be prepared for more animal news and facts then ever before.

PS. wrote down my password so I won't forget.

PSS. Thanks for all the views and your support  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dinosaurs on Diets?


Sorry I haven't  posted in a while,I kind of lost my computer privileges.Anyways, this week I decided to declare it Prehistoric Week. As you know I have other weeks like this(Remember save captive animals week). Later in the week I will post a schedule so you know wen there will be special weeks.Now here are our latest news updates.Scientist have created a new laser technique to measure the weight and size of animals including dinosaurs, and found out these big creatures didn't weigh as much as we though.  University of Manchester biologists used lasers to measure the minimum amount of skin required to cover the skeletons of modern day animals.Scientist found that in each of the cases the animals had almost exactly 21 percent more body mass than the bare minimum skin and bone.After that they decided to Apply this to a giant Brachiosaur skeleton in Berlin’s Museum für Naturkunde produced a much lower weight than other estimates, which have ranged to as high as 80 tonnes. But, the new technique produced a figure of just 23 tonnes.Now that doesn't mean they were light but just lighter.They may have estimated the weigh but remember know one really knows what dinosaurs weigh .Thank you for reading and join me next time.

PS. I'm going to take a vote to see if i should take a brake till the next school year so post a comment saying yes or no.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Look Out Pochers

Good ,evening

The more tigers are becoming extinct the more precautions there are to save them.The Indian state of Maharashtra has essentially issued a license to kill on suspected tiger poachers in an effort to stop hunting of the big cat.It is a extreme measure,but seemed necessary after 8 deaths were reported this year in the state.India is home to around 3,200 tigers, but that number has died down around 50 percent in the last 20 years or so.Although habitat loss is a big problem for the animal poaching still is a big threat. PS. Check out my other blog if your a fan of music at (www.ajourneytostardom.blogspot.com)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Frog Species dyes fingers yellow

Good, evening   

 In 2010 a new fog species was discovered by Andreas Hertz and his colleagues who are reptile and amphibian specialists.This frog grows up to less than 2cm and is now declared vegetarian.They are in a species group called rainfrogs that skip the tadpole stage, and develop directly as little frogs inside the egg.Scientist notices when contact with skin on the fingers it seems to dye them (where ever it touches.) Scientist are doing tests on this frog to see if the dye is poisonous.But there's one thing for sure its name really defines it, Yellow dyer rain frog.                        
          PS.The wait is way to long for my posts so I changed the dates, starting to day animal news updates will be posted Tuesday,  Saturday and Monday.   


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Save Lolita

Good evening,                             



                                                   Lolita the whale

 Miami Seauarium :
I know I usually put on the latest news updates (and I will after this week) but today I want to talk about saving a fascinating animal.Lolita the killer whale,She's on display at the Miami Seaquarium but her tank is very poor its more like a whale puddle and is so small that its is illegal.  Plus the poor whale has no companions of her own species. Most people say she should be released in the wild but I don't  she would most likely die because of her body is not use to all of the bacteria and because she cant hunt. I wish there was some way she could survive.So please help save her she needs your support    
 go to:  http://www.savelolita.com/                           

                                               "See way to small"


                                                                  Save Lolita

How to save this amazing whale

Steps to help Lolita’s Retirement become Reality:

  1. The best thing we all can do for Lolita is boycott the Miami Seaquarium. Encourage your friends, family, classmates, and co-workers not to visit Seaquarium or other dolphin theme parks.

  2. Educate yourself and others. Read the links and information on this site. Spread the word about Lolita on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or your blog!

  3. Arrange a screening of the award winning documentary, LOLITA: Slave to Entertainment, at your school, church, community center, library or PBS station. You can purchase a copy for you and your family at Amazon.com
Ps. These help lolita suggestions are brought  to you by www.savelolita.com